

Tuna Steak with a Cherry Tomato and Olive Garnish and Sweet Potatoes

RECIPE (serves 1)


1 x Tuna Steak (any size)
5 - 10 Cherry Tomatoes
Selection of Olives (green and black)
1 x Knorr Fish Stock Cube
Olive Oil
1/2 Sweet Potato
Salt to Taste
1 x Lemon (optional)


Firstly we are going to start on the sweet potatoes.  Cut off each of the ends and peel the sweet potatoes.  Cut it however you wish and boil them for around 8 - 10 minutes.  Once you have finished this, drain the water, leaving the sweet potato in the saucepan.  Heat a frying pan over a medium heat.  Whilst the pan is heating up, add some oil and rosemary to the sweet potato (however much you wish) and when the pan is suitably hot, put the sweet potato in and let them sizzle away.  Make sure you keep a close eye on them so that they don't burn.

Now we are going to prepare the garnish.  Half the cherry tomatoes and put them into a bowl.  For the olives you are going to half each olive and then half them again, forming slither like pieces.  You can have as many olives and tomatoes as you wish to have as a garnish on top of your tuna.  You can also have the olives and tomatoes as large or as small as you'd like.  Combine the tomatoes and olives in a bowl and add a drizzle of olive oil over the top coating everything.  Mix everything together with your hands. 

Wash your hands because it's time to make the paste.  Put the knorr fish stock cube into a small bowl and add a small amount of olive oil.  Mash as best you can the stock cube into the olive oil, getting as many lumps out as possible.  This isn't crucial as they cook out eventually anyways.  Once you have a significant paste and you feel like you have enough, coat both sides of the tuna steak evenly and leave to settle.

Put another pan on the hob at the highest heat possible.  Once the pan has heated up fully you are going to want to place the tuna steaks in the pan and cook each side for about 2 - 3 mins.  This will make the tuna cooked on the outside and slightly rare in the middle.  If you would like the tuna cooked all the way through then simply leave it in the pan for a longer period of time. 

Once the tuna is done, place it on a plate and cover with the garnish that you prepared earlier.  The sweet potatoes should be done by now and you're simply just going to place these next to the tuna on the plate.

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